Salam! Still can’t believe that it’s already August! We’re now in the 2nd semester of 2022. I wonder, have you reached your goals? Or is it still ongoing? Whatever it is, let’s continue our journey! In today’s translation spot, I am going to translate three highlight news in Indonesia from IND to ENG. Hope you …

IND-ENG : Musibah Kebakaran dan Hikmah di Baliknya #TranslationSpot
Salam! Happy Sunday dear my friends. Now I am going to translate one of my sad stories from Indonesian to English. It is about a fire accident that happened to my family in 2020. Please send me any feedback if you find some parts I need to improve. Thank you! Pertengahan Juni 2020 Seharian itu, …

ENG-IND : Podcast from TED Talks How To Raise Succesful Kids Without Over-Parenting #TranslationSpot
Salam! Happy weekend to all my online readers. In this week’s translation, I am going to translate one of the best TED Talks videos that inspire me a lot about parenting styles. It talks about how chores make a huge impact on children’s future. The talk was delivered by Julie Lythcott-Haims, titled How to Raise …

ENG-IND : Article Japan Tourism From Food Diversity #TranslationSpot
Assalamu’alaikum. In order to improve my translation skills, I decided to publish my works here on my own blog. Doing this is not only about gaining my competence, but also nourishing my blog. Publishing my translation works is fundamental to reaching my goal as a freelance worker. Regularly, I plan to publish my translation works. …