Still can’t believe that it’s already August! We’re now in the 2nd semester of 2022. I wonder, have you reached your goals? Or is it still ongoing? Whatever it is, let’s continue our journey!
In today’s translation spot, I am going to translate three highlight news in Indonesia from IND to ENG. Hope you enjoy it and give me some feedbacks for me to improve. Thanks!

Berita #1
Umat ​​Islam di Indonesia memiliki cara unik untuk merayakan Tahun Baru Islam. Jumat malam (29/7), ratusan warga Desa Semabung Baru berkumpul di Masjid At-Taqwa, Pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung usai melaksanakan sholat. Mereka berkumpul untuk melakukan ritual keliling kota sambil membawa obor.
News #1
Muslims in Indonesia have a unique way to celebrate the Islamic New Year. On Friday night (29/7), hundreds of Semabung Baru Village residents gathered at the At-Taqwa Mosque, Pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung after the pray. They gathered to perform rituals going around the city while carrying torches.
Berita #2
Kepala Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG) Dwikorita Karnawati mengingatkan masyarakat tentang ancaman gempa bumi dan tsunami di sepanjang Pulau Jawa, khususnya di Kabupaten Cilacap.
Hal ini dijelaskan oleh Kepala BMKG saat membuka Sekolah Lapang Gempa Bumi (SLG) di Cilacap, Jawa Tengah pada Rabu (27/7). Ia pun menambahkan bahwa Cilacap sendiri berada di garis Pantai Selatan Jawa yang menghadap zona tumbukan lempeng, antara lempeng Samudera Hindia dengan lempeng Eurasia, hal tersebut membuat Cilacap riskan terkena Tsunami.
Ia juga meminta pemerintah daerah dan masyarakat terus bersiap untuk skenario terburuk, karena menurut hasil pemodelan tsunami dengan skenario terburuk ada potensi terjadi tsunami dengan ketinggian lebih dari 10 m di pantai Cilacap akibat dari gempa bumi dengan kekuatan M 8,7. Ia menambahkan bahwa ini pun bukan hanya ramalan, tapi merupakan hasil kajian dan pakar kegempaan.
Tetap siaga ya!
News #2
Head of Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Dwikorita Karnawati reminded the public about the threat of an earthquake and tsunami along the island of Java, especially in Cilacap Regency.
This was explained by the Head of BMKG when opening an earthquake field school (SLG) in Cilacap, Central Java on Wednesday (27/7). She also explained that this is because Cilacap itself is located on the southern coast of Java facing the plate collision zone, between the Indian Ocean plate and the Eurasian plate, making Cilacap at risk of being hit by a tsunami.
She also asked the local government and residents to continue to prepare for the worst scenario, because according to the tsunami modeling results with the worst scenario, there is the potential for a tsunami with a height of more than 10 meters on the coast of Cilacap as a result of an earthquake with a magnitude of 8,7 M. She added that this is not just a prediction, but is the result of studies and seismic experts
Stay alert!
Berita #3
Mabes Polri melanjutkan penyelidikan dugaan kasus penggelapan dana yang melibatkan pengurus organisasi amal Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT), Jumat (29/7). Polisi menyatakan bahwa keempat tersangka diduga menggelapkan dana lebih dari dua juta US Dolar atau 34 milyar rupiah dari 138 milyar rupiah yang dibayarkan oleh Boeing.
News #3
The National Police continued their investigation into the embezzlement allegations against executives of charity group Aksi Cepat Tanggap or ACT on Friday (29/7). The police stated that the four suspects were suspected of embezzling funds of more than 2 million dollars or 34 billion rupiahs from the 138 billion rupiahs paid by Boeing.
Baca juga: ENG-IND : Podcast from TED Talks How To Raise Succesful Kids Without Over-Parenting #TranslationSpot